
  1. The amateur team was _____ from the contest in the first round.
A. detached
B. excused
C. distracted
D. eliminated
2. We haven't been getting on too well, let's _____.
A. make it up
B. make up for it
C. make it out
D. make up to it
3. If you are a member of a club, you must _____ to the rules of that club.
A. entitle
B. conform
C. answer
D. attribute
4. They could not go to the theater together because his free time never _____ with hers.
A. collide
B. comply
C. coincide
D. cope
5. Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished the _____ tale.
A. perpetual
B. vigorous
C. ultimate
D. pathetic
1. D 参考译文:那个业余团队在比赛的第一轮就遭淘汰。
detach 分开, 分离, 分遣, 派遣(军队)
excuse 原谅, 申辩, 做为...的托辞, 为...免去
distracted 心烦意乱的
eliminate 排除, 消除
2. A 参考译文:我们生活得不是很融洽,让我们来谈谈吧。
make it up 和解, 讲和
make up for 补偿
make out 书写, 填写, 拼凑, 进展, 说明, 设法应付, 理解, 辨认出
make up to 讨好,接近
3. B 参考译文:如果你是那个俱乐部的会员,你必须遵守那个俱乐部的章程。
entitle 授权, 授权
conform to 符合, 遵照
answer to 适应, 符合
attribute to 归因于
4. C 参考译文:他们不能一起去剧院了,因为他们的空闲时间总凑不到一起。
collide with 冲突
comply with 照做
coincide with 与...相符
cope with 与...竞争, 应付
5. D 参考译文:当看到最后悲惨的结局时,观众席中的每个人都落泪了。
perpetual 永久的
vigorous 精力旺盛的, 有力的, 健壮的
ultimate 最后的, 最终的, 根本的
pathetic 可怜的, 悲惨的